Individual Tax Services
Assurance CPA Tax Services
Preparing and filing individual tax return can be a daunting task. Assurance CPA provides direction, planning and completion with you as a person at the focus. Here are some common questions asked, services offered and what to expect.
Why Use a CPA?
Can't I just use the computer program I bought at a box store? The answer is you can...and as everyone knows…you’re getting what you pay for. If you’re looking for guidance, carefully researched answers and perhaps a little hand holding, we got you. Allowing Assurance CPA to walk you through the process provides the certainty that you’ve received everything available to you, something Doug calls Treasure Hunting.
How much does it cost?
Assurance prices returns based on complexity, the order we receive your information, how organized it may or may not be and according to tax deadlines. You will not receive an hourly bill with itemized charges, but one clear bottom line number.
Tax Problems?
There are times when taxes have not been filed for years. When challenged with that situation you can expect no judgment and an honest conversation about how to proceed. Perhaps you’ve been avoiding those confusing letters from the IRS? No worries, bring them in. Translation and communicating payment plans is just part of the job.
Tax Planning?
Assurance CPA knows our lives become complex; you have a child, move or have income changes that may affect your taxable income. Know that our door is open to questions any time of the year.